Going Global

You're a local expert but are you a global advisor?

The opportunities to connect with like-minded real estate agents from around the country and the world are endless. This conference season, take advantage of it. Building relationships with great agents will help you increase you general real estate knowledge and your ability to send and receive referrals with confidence.

Think about it, your clients love you but when they move out of the area they end up working with a different agent. Whether your people are moving down the street or across the country, you should be there to provide expert advice.

Going global is not just about posting your listings on international websites. It is most importantly about influence and connectivity.

So how do you do it?

First, make the decision that you are going to take action and become a global real estate advisor. Next, make great use of conferences. Seek out agents you would like to connect with and set up coffee appointments, drinks and dinners. Learn about them and their markets. Ask yourself if this person is someone you would see yourself working with. Finally, and most importantly, stay in touch.

It's really that simple. Yes, it's hard work to make those connections but you will be happy you did.

Go global.